Thursday, July 5, 2007

My Disclaimer Because of the Person Impersonating Me

Please see update at bottom of page.

This website was made because someone is libeling me and impersonating me. Here is my disclaimer:

I don’t post on Usenet. I never said I was suing anyone on Usenet. I extend my apologies to anyone who may have been offended by this person. It seems someone has a grudge against my husband Peter and me. The reason is unknown to us. What we do know is that it is some random kook who is targeting us due to the sheer boredom of their own life. They have posted using my full name and they have also used, YouKnowWho, Guess Who, The Real KM, and more. They have written libelous things regarding my family that are too absurd for any intelligent person to believe. They wrote a bogus FAQ on me and bogus articles as if they were a reporter for CNN.

There is also some person using my name to post about Michael Jackson. That also is not me.

This page is here to inform those who want to know the truth and also so I do not have to worry about all the bad deeds this person does in regard to me. The page is here to speak for me so I do not have to track what they post about me, thereby being forced to make a disclaimer to each individual post or whatever they have published on the Internet. It is here to give me peace of mind.

Since the person is unknown to me at this time, this web page will also serve as a cease and desist letter. To this person or persons trying to steal my identity and libeling me, I demand that you immediately cease and desist from using my name for any reason which includes to make people believe you are me or any of my family members and that you refrain from any further libel of me or other family members due to association with me. Also to those who insist on using the postings or portions of the postings of the person/s impersonating me as a signature in their Usenet postings, I demand you immediately cease and desist from using this as it perpetuates the libel of me. I also demand that all of the above remove your postings from Usenet or any other place you have published anything that libels me or family members or leads others to believe you are me or any of my family members. This will also serve as notice should I ever decide to pursue legal action in the future. I also demand you refrain from posting any addresses of places I have lived in the past as this invades the privacy of those who now live at these addresses. My current address has not been posted on the Internet and precautions have been made so that it will not be made public.

The reason for posting this notice on the Internet is because at this time I do not know the person’s or persons’ name/s or address/es so that prevents me from personally contacting them with a cease and desist letter. Since they say they know everything I do and have displayed to me that they stalk my movements, it is my belief that they will definitely see this website i.e. notice. Since these are unusual circumstances, an unusual cease and demand letter is necessary. This is the only form of notice that I can serve at this time, therefore this shall serve as a legal notice to them to cease and desist.

Since the Internet covers the globe, I assume all are under some type of law that pertains to identity theft, stalking and harassment and would be held liable for each of their country’s law.

I am not taking legal action at this time and I have no plans to file a lawsuit, but I reserve the right to legally pursue this in the future, which would be a time when all identities are or are not known or if my cease and desist letter is not obeyed or any other reason I so choose.

Just like DNA left tracks in the past for criminals who didn’t realize DNA would be easily traced in the future, the electronic DNA tracks are also being left by this predator. I am sure all past electronic activity will be easier to track in the near future. Everything and everyone leaves a trail. What you are now doing WILL come back to haunt you in the future.

Also, please take note this website is copyrighted (note at the bottom of the page) and shall not be republished by anyone else without my express permission and not without monetary compensation.


Kathy Mosesian
Dated June 26, 2007

End of story.

Not quite the end……….
June 23, 2007. I just found this post regarding a lady who believes she has discovered a man who has been defaming her and she believes he is the one or one of the ones defaming me. Click here to read. I have no clue who he is, I do not want to know who he is and I have never spoken to him in my life and I do not plan on it in the future.

Parent Advocate and friend of mine, Sue Scheff, wins $11.3 million against Internet defamer. This wonderful lady was defamed by someone she tried to help. What do they say, no good deed goes unpunished? Click here to read more.

I just want to say that anyone is welcome to come to this website, even the one impersonating and libeling me. I hope you will watch some of these very interesting videos by Doug Batchelor. They are life changing.


July 01, 2007.
I pretty much know who has been impersonating and libeling me now, but I do not know the person nor do I know their real name. I can identify the person now due to the obsessive amount of visits to my website. The person has been here more than even the bots or crawlers. It is IP which is from New York City and as of today, it has visited here 674 times and this is just over approximately 30 days and todays visits have not even been counted in yet. Photographic evidence with the other IPs masked to protect the privacy of others. The only IP to beat her or him is my server IP which I have not masked.

I can only hope she or he is spending time here to view the videos of Doug Batchelor.

July 03, 2007

There is a strong possibility she (he?) works at Morgan Stanley on Broadway in New York City. I blocked IP from NYC today and after that I got about 50 hits, today alone, from a NYC IP that traced to, specifically IPs,, and

Also, I just set up a Naymz profile and lo and behold, I get these hits today.

I visited my Naymz profile, thus I am the first visit to the profile and this is the second visit to my profile. Naymz emails me whenever anyone views my profile.



Someone just visited your profile. You’ve had a total of 2
visits to your profile since you created it.

Visit information:

- Visitor location: New York, New York, US
- How they found you:
- Visitor name: Anonymous
- IP Address:

See your Reports for additional geographical information and visit history:

Best Regards,
The Naymz Team -
Naymz | 2858 W. Diversey Ave. | Chicago | IL | 60647
The IP above traces to in NYC.

Then I went to view my profile, so that is the third visit to my profile and then this, the fourth visit to my profile. Note they say this IP went directly to my profile, with no searching, so this IP already knew the link and could click right on it. The only other one to visit, other than me, was the IP above belonging to in NYC, so that one had to have been the same person as this following one:



Someone just visited your profile. You’ve had a total of 4
visits to your profile since you created it.

Visit information:

- Visitor location: New York, New York, US
- How they found you: direct
- Visitor name: Anonymous
- IP Address:

See your Reports for additional geographical information and visit history:

Best Regards,
The Naymz Team -
Naymz | 2858 W. Diversey Ave. | Chicago | IL | 60647
As you can see, it is ’s IP, thus my conclusion.

But, I guess those two visits alone were not enough, because I then received this from



Someone just visited your profile. You’ve had a total of 5
visits to your profile since you created it.

Visit information:

- Visitor location: New York, New York, US
- How they found you: direct
- Visitor name: Anonymous
- IP Address:

See your Reports for additional geographical information and visit history:

Best Regards,
The Naymz Team -
Naymz | 2858 W. Diversey Ave. | Chicago | IL | 60647
So that is 5 visits to my profile since I created it. The visits, me-visit 1, in NYC- visit 2, me again checking who visited after receiving the email from Naymz - visit 3, then doomella’s IP in NYC - visit 4 and again’s IP - visit number 5. Let’s not forget the 737 visits from to this website alone as of today’s date. I cannot believe this is an adult who has done all of this garbage, but it must be so unless Morgan Stanley is now hiring children.

It appears that has made me her or his life’s work. It appears to be a sickness with her or him and she or he has no control over this obsession with me.

1 comment:

This and That said...

Is Doomella Carolina Dominguez?